PennDOT roadwork for Monroe County, week of August 19, 2019
Here is a list of PennDOT roadwork plans in Monroe County for this week: Chestnuthill Township PA 534 between Holly Lane and Jonas Road for drainage.Daytime lane restrictions 8/19/19 thru 8/20/19 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM East Stroudsburg Borough and Smithfield Township Milford Road between PA 447 and PA 402 for drainage. Daytime lane restrictions 8/22/19 thru 8/23/19 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 …
Monroe County reassessment raises questions
There are cracks in the foundation. Nothing structural. Nothing that’s going to threaten the stability of the home, but they’re there. Nooks, crannies and holes through which seeps an invisible threat. Colorless, odorless and undetectable by your average human, it is nonetheless the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
PennDOT roadwork for Monroe County, week of August 19, 2019
Here is a list of PennDOT roadwork plans in Monroe County for this week: Chestnuthill Township PA 534 between Holly Lane and Jonas Road for drainage.Daytime lane restrictions 8/19/19 thru 8/20/19 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM East Stroudsburg Borough and Smithfield Township Milford Road between PA 447 and PA 402 for drainage. Daytime lane restrictions 8/22/19 thru 8/23/19 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 …
Monroe County reassessment raises questions
There are cracks in the foundation. Nothing structural. Nothing that’s going to threaten the stability of the home, but they’re there. Nooks, crannies and holes through which seeps an invisible threat. Colorless, odorless and undetectable by your average human, it is nonetheless the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.